Friday, August 22, 2008

Tuesday Musings

Are you addicted to anything? And if so what??

Let's start at the beginning, shall we? First of all we have chocolate. I could not live with out chocolate. I'm not sure if chocolate is an addiction or an necessity, like air. I'll get back to you on that.
After chocolate, we'll go in no particular order. Another of my addictions that I can't seem to kick is Freecell. I can't turn on the computer without playing at least three games. There are certain things I check every day, e-mail, mother's group calendar and message board, a couple news sites, but at the end of the day, if I haven't checked Perez Hilton, I feel like the world has continued to turn on its axis and I've been left behind, floating in space.
Then there are the fat rolls. Kissing these fat rolls seems to wipe all stress away.
There are also the goofs. Theo is turning into quite the little clown and I couldn't get through a day with him making me laugh (mostly because he can't seem to get through a day without making me crying. I will be so happy when he's fully potty trained.)
Then there's my Big Hunk o'Love. No, not the cat, the big lug holding the cat. He's my biggest addiction.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Topic: Laughing Gas at the Dentist Office

I have a problem with the way Dentists' offices handle laughing gas. For some reason they all seem to believe that it should be used when a patient is in the dentist chair. I, on the other hand, believe that laughing gas should be administered as soon as one arrives at the dentist's office. Why must we sit in the boring waiting area, reading boring, outdated magazines and watching the receptionist's idea of a good talk show? Get a few fish tanks, a ball pit and a bean bag and pump the good stuff straight into the waiting room.