Friday, September 26, 2008

FFA #19

If you could have ANY super power (either good or evil) what would it be?
So, I didn't do last week's FFA because the assignment was to make a Top 20 list of our choice. Unfortunately, I don't have the attention span to complete such a task so it remains on my to-do list of things I have no intention of ever doing (sorry Jenni, 10 I could have done, 20 was beyond me.) Anyway, I am excited about this week's because I know exactly what it is...FLYING. I would fly through the air with the greatest of ease. Instead of going for a walk, I'd take flight. There are a couple of conditions. First of all, I don't want to have to have wings. I don't want to have to buy new shirts. Second, I refuse to stick my arms out like Superman, that just looks silly. I want the floating/soaring kind of flying. So, there it is. I'm sure there are more practical answers like the ability to wash dishes super fast or make money grow on trees but they wouldn't make me nearly as happy.

1 comment:

Jean Allen said...

Me too! I have always wanted to fly. Flying as a passenger in a cramped airplane is not my idea of flying. If I can't fly the way you described, then I'd much rather be in the cockpit! (Not that I ever have).