Friday, June 13, 2008

FFA #13

What is something you are completely fantastic at, and what is something you are really crappy at?

I am really good at being me. I mean, I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "Only you would do something like that!" People aren't saying this all the time because Joe Schmo could pull off being me. I have to admit that every time I hear, "You are making a spectacle of yourself," I can't help but think, "I can't help it if people want to stare at my gloriousnesses."

If there is one thing I am really crappy at it is remembering to get the garbage out to the curb on Tuesday nights.


Peggy said...

I think your greatest gift is that of sarcasm. I still think we need to take a shot at that Blind Date gig. Wait, is that show still on and does Matt know you have a crush on "Roger Lodge?"

claire said...

I told Matt when we got married that the only person I'd ever leave him for was Roger Lodge. I don't think he took me seriously.

itchandscratch said...

Roger Lodge? He looks like Neil Diamond ... turn on my heart light ... dun...dun...dun let it shine where ever you go, let it make a happy glow for all the world to see