Friday, May 23, 2008

FFA #10

Who should play you in the movie version of your life?

This is an easy one for me to answer because a movie has already been made about my life. Some of you may have seen it. Names were changed to protect the not so innocent and I chose the name Muriel. It was released in 1994 in Australia and 1995 in America, under the name Muriel's Wedding. Toni Collette played me and we were close enough in size back then that she was even able to wear some of my clothes (to preserve authenticity).

I have to admit that the screenwriters took some liberties. Such as, my first husband was an Olympic runner, not a swimmer; obviously I did not grow up in Australia (although I will humbly admit that I am more popular Down Under); Matt was working as a janitor, not a video store clerk when we met, things of that nature, but I understood that details would be changed when I signed on.

Anyway, there it is. I'm happy that my story was able to springboard Toni Collette to bigger (but nothing could be better) things. She's a talented actress and I wish her the best.

P.S. Here's a taste of her work (its not the best quality but Toni is the one in the blond wig and fabulous pants on stage):

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