Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Welcome to my world...

If you are here then you already know all you need to know about me, probably more than you want to. So, we're going to head straight into my Tuesday Musings.

It has been said by many that there are specific and profound moments/decisions in your life that change you. They leave deep and indelible impressions and you are never the same again, whether for better or worse. Write about one of these moments in your life, how it changed you, and whether you consider yourself a better or worse person for it.

This one was very hard for me, I'll be honest. I've racked my brain and I can't think of any time in my life that I've had a deep and indelible impression that my life has just changed. I have a laundry list of forehead smacking, four letter word moments after my decisions have changed my life for the worst but I'll spare you. I'm just not that quick on the draw. It take me quite a while to figure things out, good and bad. In come cases it has taken my years to realize I've made a good decision. Of course, my good decisions are usually spaced out over years so it gives me lots of time to think about them. This is not to say that these moments didn't exist, surviving my childhood, going on a mission, getting married, having children, all of these things have changed my life profoundly. I just deal with changes like the gentle waves of low tide, they don't hit me like tsunamis.

The closest thing to a indelible impression I can think of are the moments I saw Theo and Luc for the first time. I had already cried many times about the fact that my life was changing forever before either of them exited my womb. However, the moment I saw them I fell madly in love with each one. Of course, the fact that I tend to produce the cutest babies in the world doesn't hurt. When Theo was born I really wasn't prepared for that moment and when I was pregnant with Luc looking forward to that moment was the only thing that got me through some days.

So there you have it. Those are two of the most profound moments of my life. Its kinda funny if you think about it. For two of the most profound moments of my life I was laying there sweaty and stinky while near strangers tried to fix the gash they just sliced in me.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I love the imagery at the end! Totally know what you're saying:)