Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday Musings #4

What was your feeling or thoughts when you held your child/children for the first time?

My experiences with the births of my two sons were very different. With Theo I waited quite a while to get my drugs so I was very tired after all was said and done. I had the same nurse from beginning to end and she was Mormon. After Theo was born she ran everybody out of the room and sang "I am a Child of God" to Theo.
When Luc was born, I opted for drugs the second I was admitted. I was calm and well rested so I chose to have the mirror lowered so I could see the whole thing. There was a problem when I was pushing and to avoid an emergency C-section, the doctor sliced me open. So, instead of a calm few minutes after labor, I was watching the doctor try to repair his hacking job, that was a little unnerving, one would think that one of the four nurses would have thought to move the mirror. There were more people in the room and it was a bit chaotic. Amazingly, my thought process was very similar when I was handed each of them for the first time:
  1. Wow! I make cute babies.
  2. I am so glad that is over. I never want to be pregnant again.

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